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May 24, 2013

USJ-R: Living the High School Life

"We Bring out the Best in You" 
"I.N.S.P.I.R.E, Adelante!"

Who could ever forget these lines?  Four years, four unforgettable years in the University of San Jose - Recoletos. The mind might not remember every detail of what High School was twenty or thirty years from now, but the pictures will always serve as great mementos and everlasting memories.

One of the things I love the most about this school is how it always pushes its students to be better. Education is the reason we go to school, yet there's something broader than this big word that USJ-R (being biased, kidding) made me see, and it's the fact that education does not need and have to be limited to English, Math, Science, etc. 

We are flexible intellectuals. Who would want to study all day without play? That is why extracurricular activities exist. There are TONS of these activities the school has to offer, and I'm listing the ones I know and joined.

P.S. This will be a brief description. Do let me know if you want more info and I'll do a post. :)


 Yes, USJ-R is indeed known to be very active in the scouting movement of both Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. GSP is a non-profit organization that engages girls in active community involvement and teaches skills in the out-of-doors. Activities are, and not limited to, encampments (Backyard and Showdown for USJ-R), conventions, trainings, sessions and conferences.

Community Outreach in Sapangdaku, Cebu City. CW: Sandra, Feresa, Lyza and Joann with twins Sam and Nicole


The extended arms of the Student Development and Placement Center (SDPC). I've been in this org for three years and a lot of students do not really know much about it. Peer Facilitators are student counselors who, in times that the guidance counselors have their arms full, take on the job of 'little counselors'. Every year, the PF with the SDPC have a one-day training to enable incoming PF's to understand their roles as the helping hands of the school's guidance counselors.

Clay-making session during the PF Training 2012 in Mt. View Park.

A branch of the Media Club, Campus Ambassadors are trained in diplomacy and press relations. Otherwise known as the 'welcoming committee', they promote the Josenian core value of service by offering help and assistance to visiting guests in school.

 Carmela (at the far left) and yours truly during the Students' Congress of Recollect Schools (SCORES)


As a Catholic school, USJ-R incorporates not only great mindsets in students, but also the importance of creating a deeper relationship with Christ through RAY.  Under the Campus Ministry Office, students can grab the opportunity of enlivening true Christianity. Activities this org delves in include the RAY Heartsteps, Friday Mass, Archdiocesan Campus Ministry Pakighimamat, Youth Encounter, RAY Summit, RAY Camp, animations and 4th year tribute.

Group sharing last RAY HEARTSTEPS 2012


If you love writing as much as I do, then JOAR is for you. This is the school's official school paper, but before becoming a member of this org, you have to enroll in Journalism classes during summer. Like any school paper, JOAR has a pool of talented writers that write school articles, compete in press conferences and bring honor to the institution through their literary skills. Though becoming a good JOAR writer requires a lot of dedication and a couple of sleepless nights, the end point is you get to participate in local, division, city, regional, national and even international competitions. You up for it?

Journalism class of 2012. Taken after the session with Mr. Joshua Cabrera, editorial cartoonist of Cebu


PUBSIES is actually a summer workshop, just like Journalism, that was short lived (2 or 3 years?). Trainings included impromptu speaking, extemporaneous speaking, oratorical speaking, declamation, choric speech, emceeing and many others. The org may have already ceased to exist, but its legacy continues through the Josenian Debatista, and I'm proud to have been one of PUBSIES' products.

Community Outreach of PUBSIES 2012 in Greenbelt, Quiot


The newest organization of USJ-R and the official debating team. It was organized last 2012 and continues to recruit aspiring debaters from all year levels. If you love wit, words and arguments, then I highly recommend you to a be part of JD. Become a pro in the High School debating arena so that when you graduate, you'll get the chance of a lifetime to be recruited int the elite college JD.

Adjudication during a debate with the college Josenian Debatistas


Being a 4th year High School RAY members entitles you the privilege of becoming a squire or squirette. "Squires are the Junior Knights of Columbus and the Squirettes are the Junior Ladies Club. 10 to 18 years of age are the requirements," according to . Like the RAY, Columbian Squires and Squirettes of Mary deal in parish works and works of charity, but a lot of times both orgs crossover. It's kinda hard for some to distinguish which is which, so do remember the quotation above.

Chief Squire Orland Marc and Chief Squirette Kim Blessy during the RAY Heartsteps 2012

High School is definitely fun with the right mix of academics and extracurricular activities. Now that you have an idea of what High School's really like, which will you choose?

Your city gal,

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