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Jun 27, 2013

Chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme: After 371 Days

Girl Scouts attending the CGSMS orientation

Reminiscing myself being one of these girls 371 days ago makes me smile at how fast time really flies. It's a fleeting feeling imagining the me a year ago and the current me. I wonder what I'd say to my past self? Should I thank her for making the current me an even stronger, much independent and intellectually competent lady? Nah, I'll probably give her a bear hug and a peck in the cheek.

Today's agenda was the Chief Girl Scout Medal Scheme (CGSMS) orientation with more than 70 Girl Scouts who joined. I've been attending the orientation for 3 years now, and the number of attendees keeps on rising. The  CGSMS created the greatest impact in my life, so I really did not want to decline the invitation of being one of the speakers during the event. 

USJ-R Senior Planning Board 2013-2014 (L-R): Joyce Ann, Mary Grace, Lyza Grace, Marianne Dell and Lara Alexis

Being a candidate of the scheme, I highly encourage it to ladies (Girl Scouts) who want to make a huge difference in somebody's life. It's the highest award any Girl Scout can receive that involves a one-year community project under one of the 4 fields: Ecology, Health, Livelihood and Cultural Heritage. I chose Livelihood as my field, specifically Dressmaking, but save the details for lateeeer.

In front: Tita Jo Ann Marie P. Jayme, GSP Cebu Council Executive Director

"The scheme isn't about the award, it's about a loving servcie to your community, delving yourself deeper in the worldwide community that is Girl Scouting."

It's a bright year ahead for the Girl Scouts of the Philippines - Cebu Council as the CGSMS officially kicks off.

Living the Girl Scout life,

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