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Jun 26, 2013

Transcending Thyself

What’s old and what’s new, what’s past and what’s now. This day that’s done, the night that has come is a blessing yet a curse. Once you step forward, you can never come back. Change: a never-ending cycle, the inevitability of life.

The more I think, the more I realize that not only do people come and go, habits also change, personalities sometimes collide and time takes its course, but then that’s how we live. Years pass and memories become distant reminders of our past selves, but we would never have become what had aspired to be years ago had it not been for the multitude of titanium barriers we had to break.

People grow up, some forget, others try to forget and the rest they admit the truth of reality. It’s not a friendly world out here, it’s full of people who try to pull you down and break you into pieces bit by bit, yet even if you have reached your breaking point, stand proud and continue moving on. Defeat is the best motivation to do better, and once you do better, give it your best—that’s life’s mantra.

There’s so much in life that is to be learned and so little lifetime that’s left in us. It’s in acknowledging one’s ignorance that wisdom is gained. Life’s never boring, it’s always makes me full of curiosity.

 Why is life so mysterious?  Until I learn the meaning of life, I will forever be in search of it. :)

The past and the present, the old and the new

Your city gal,

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